Текст песни Bobby Horton — Long Ago — American Civil War Music (Confederacy)., слова из песни.

Long ago we were boys in the ranks, comrades,
Our hearts lying happy as the day.
Cheeks were ruddy, eyes were bright, locks were dark,
As we marched from our homes far away.

But now we are aged and gray, comrades,
Trials of life are nearly done.
But to us life's as dear as it was, comrades,
When you and I were young.

Long ago we were marching away, comrades,
Our flags to the breeze gaily flung.
Our bosoms were bare to the full, comrades,
When you and I were young.

But now we are aged and gray, comrades,
Trials of life are nearly done.
But to us life's as dear as it was, comrades,
When you and I were young.

Long ago we were camping in storms, comrades,
Our courage and muscles tightly strung.
But no army could drive us away, comrades,
When you and I were young.

But now we are aged and gray, comrades,
Trials of life are nearly done.
But to us life's as dear as it was, comrades,
When you and I were young.

Long ago we were falling fast, comrades,
Our ranks daily much thinner grew.
Our courage the cause could not win, comrades,
When the men in the ranks were so few.

But now we are aged and gray, comrades,
Trials of life are nearly done.
But to us life's as dear as it was, comrades,
When you and I were young.

Staggering and bleeding alone, comrades,
Outnumbered three to one everywhere.
The world coldly watching our fates, comrades,
With not even a sigh or a tear.

But now we are aged and gray, comrades,
Trials of life are nearly done.
But to us life's as dear as it was, comrades,
When you and I were young.

As fall heroes struggling for their homes, comrades,
So fell the soldiers in gray.
Their honor yet unsullied, comrades,
For that which ennobles brave men.

Though now we are aged and gray, comrades,
And trials of life are nearly done.
To us life's as dear as it was, comrades,
When you and I were young.

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Краткое описание

Песня «Давно-давно» (Long Ago) исполнитель неизвестен, но, возможно, это песня о Гражданской войне в США (Конфедерация). Текст песни состоит из чередующихся куплетов и припевов. В песне рассказывается о том, как молодые солдаты, когда-то начинавшие свою службу с радости и надежды, теперь стареют и сталкиваются с трудностями жизни. Они сражались за свою страну и прошли через много страданий, но их жизнь все еще ценна, как когда они были молодыми. Песня напоминает о героизме и приверженности солдат в трудные времена.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев