Текст песни All That Remains — Stand Up, слова из песни.

I know, no one had ever dreamed that
We were this strong and we'd achieve this
So long the doubt and all believed it
And now it's come for all to see yeah

We've worked, so hard
Pushed every day now
See the blood sweat and tears on our face
We've never been stronger
There's no holding back now
So you can hear us say

Stand up, Stand up we were right
You know we can't be more justified
And they can't deny it
Stand up, stand up we were right
We've come to far just to fade away
And they can't deny it

I've hear the words those in the circle say
"So what, they're done, don't matter anyway"
Well here's your proof, they're all silent today
And there's no way they can take it away.

We've worked so hard
Pushed every day now
See the blood sweat and tears on our face
We've never been stronger
There's no holding back now
So you can hear us say

Stand up, Stand up we were right
You know we can't be more justified
And they can't deny it
Stand up, stand up we were right
We've come to far just to fade away
And they can't deny it

We never said it was easy
And no one gave us a thing
Now that last part is so pleasing
We're stronger than you think

Stand up, Stand up we were right
You know we can't be more justified
And they can't deny it
Stand up, stand up we were right
We've come to far just to fade away
And they can't deny it

Stand up, stand up we were right
(They can't deny it)
Stand up, stand up we were right

Краткое описание

Песня «Stand Up» говорит о настойчивости и уверенности в себе в лице сомнений и недоверия со стороны окружающих. Текст отражает упорство и решимость достигнуть целей, несмотря на трудности и критику. Группа говорит о своей силе и успехах, оправдывая свои убеждения и показывая, что доказала всем свою правоту. Они подчеркивают, что ничего не было получено легко, но их упорство оказалось более сильным, чем могли предполагать окружающие. Эта песня — о том, что когда ты стоишь за своими убеждениями и работаешь упорно, тебе необходимо встать и продолжить двигаться вперед, несмотря ни на что.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев