Текст песни Ark — Singers At The World’s Dawn, слова из песни.

I'm a viking
And my name is victory
I'm a snowman in a snowland
And I sail the seven seas

I know... You know... We know...
We've been marching on for so long
Rising... Fighting...
Making love and war

Go for power, go for freedom
Who holds the key
Who can open the door
Go for journey, go for reason
Who holds the key
Who can open the door

I'm a trooper
Coming fast down mid jet lane
I'm a spacetrip
In my spaceship
And a skywalker I was born

I know... You know... We know...
It's been going on for so long
Rising... Fighting...
Making love and war

Go for power, go for freedom
Who holds the key
Who can open the door
Go for journey, go for reason
Look for the answer
Will we ever know?

Like the singers at the world's dawn
We keep singing that same old song
From the East to the West
There's a sign, there's a quest... yeah
For the singers at the world's end

This is mine... This is yours... This is theirs...
This is ours... This is cold... This is warm...
This is life... and life is for all

I'm a warhead
And I could be the end of the world

Like the singers at the world's dawn
We keep singing that song
From the East to the West
There's a sign, there's a quest... yeah
For the singers at the world's end
From the mountains to the sea
We'll be dancing you and me
Go for power, go for reason
Go for freedom
Look for the answer
Will we ever know?

Like the singers at the world's dawn

Краткое описание

Текст песни Ark — Singers At The World’s Dawn представляет собой эпический рассказ о приключениях викинга, трубадура и воина на футуристическом космическом корабле. В песне переданы темы путешествий, борьбы за свободу и силы, которую каждый персонаж несет в себе. Слова песни раскрывают идею о поиске ответов на вечные вопросы жизни, о стремлении к силе, свободе и разуму. Это как будто гимн вселенскому пути и поиску своего места в нем через битву и любовь. Песня наполнена атмосферой загадочности, стремления к знанию и жажды приключений, символизируя жизненный путь человека и его вечный поиск смысла.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев