Bronies! The Musical — 10 Let’s Go

Brony meetup at The Apple!
Brony meetup at The Apple!
Brony meetup! Brony meetup!
Let's go!
BRONIES I dunno.
Don’t you wanna go?
I know you wanna go.
Fans of the show will go toe-to-toe. It'll be a blast fo' shoT You could find a bro.
You've been searching high and low. Or stay home, overflow With the same tale of woe If you stick to the status quo.
I think its gonna blow.
If you skip, you’ll never know.
So just take it slow,
Stop by, say hello.
Now it's time to tally-ho!
Brony meetup at The Apple!
Brony meetup at The Apple!
Brony meetup! Brony meetup!
Let's go!

Краткое описание

This song, titled «Bronies! The Musical — 10 Let’s Go,» is a lively and energetic anthem for fans of the show «My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.» The lyrics express the excitement and anticipation of a brony meetup at The Apple, inviting fellow bronies to come together and have a great time. The song encourages listeners to join the meetup, highlighting the camaraderie and fun that can be experienced by attending such events. With its catchy melody and spirited lyrics, «Bronies! The Musical — 10 Let’s Go» captures the enthusiasm and sense of community among fans of the show.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев