Craig Armstrong — When Dove’s Cry — Quindon Tarver

How can you leave me standing
alone in a world that is so cold?
Maybe I’m just too demanding.
Maybe I’m just like my father: too bold.
Maybe I’m just like my mother.
She’s never satisfied.
Why do we scream at each other?
This is what it sounds like when doves cry.
Yes, they cry, oh they cry.

How could you leave me standing
alone in a world that’s so cold?
Maybe I’m just too demanding.
Maybe I’m just like my father: too bold.
Maybe I'm just like my mother.
She’s never satisfied.
Why do we scream at each other?
This is what it sounds like
When doves cry.

This is what it sounds like
This is what it sounds like
This is what it sounds like
Oh ah, oh ah

Dream, if you can, a courtyard, an ocean of violence in bloom.
Animals strike curious poses.
They feel the heat, the heat between me and you.
Maybe I'm just like my mother.
She’s never satisfied.

She’s never satisfied.
Why do we scream at each other?
This is what it sounds like when doves cry.

Doves cry

You know that they cry
You know that they cry
You know that they cry
You know that they cry
You know that they cry
How could you leave me standing
( You know that they cry )
alone in a world that’s so cold?
( You know that they cry )
Maybe I’m just too demanding.
( You know that they cry )
Maybe I’m just like my father: too bold.
( You know that they cry )
Maybe I'm just like my mother.
( You know that they cry )
She’s never satisfied.
( You know that they cry )
Why do we scream at each other?
( You know that they cry )
This is what it sounds like
When doves cry.

Краткое описание

Текст песни Craig Armstrong — When Dove’s Cry — Quindon Tarver является глубоким и эмоциональным рассказом о человеческих отношениях и сложностях, с которыми приходится сталкиваться каждому. В песне описывается боль и разочарование, вызванные бесконечными конфликтами и недопониманием между любящими людьми. В нее вложены эмоции огорчения, потери и самопознания, когда автор показывает свою слабость и откровенность перед слушателем. В то же время, песня пропитана глубоким пониманием и состраданием, которые раскрываются сквозь сильные и захватывающие строки. Весь текст пронизан метафорами и символами, создавая картины, которые легко вызывают у слушателя настоящие чувства. «When Dove’s Cry» — это не просто песня о боли, это картина живых чувств, представленных через слова песни Craig Armstrong — When Dove’s Cry — Quindon Tarver..

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