Envy on the Coast — Head First In The River

Move it's what they say
Sell them the bones that they love to hear break
I said move to another birth place
Yours truly sincerely...

We're the ones who you paid to see a piece of my soul for your money
And it's my job, to smile while pigs feast
Swallows slop out of the head of a crooked priest

A monster you sell is things like hell
And they know not to ask, think or tell
Bang them all like good boys and girls
And we'll feed the shit wish you only could tell
And I go...

Head first in the river.
Head first in the river.
Lost my breath in the river.
Head first in the...

Move it's what they say
Sell them the bones that they love to hear break
I said move to another birth place
Yours truly sincerely oh oh I forget your name.

Move it's what they say
Sell them the bones that they love to hear break
I said move to another birth place
Yours truly sincerely oh oh I forget your name.

I forget your name.

What you believe they wanna know about me
I wear my lungs upon my sleeves
And that one there might as well be
Fillin' his shot glass with gasoline

They made me live in the factory
Where the made my friends and we worked for free
But that's alright, cause my soul i keep
And these bones are mere accidents.

Head first in the river.
Head first in the river.
Lost my breath in the river.
Head first in the...

Move it's what they say
Sell them the bones that they love to hear break
I said move to another birth place
Yours truly sincerely oh oh I forget your name.

Move it's what they say
Sell them the bones that they love to hear break
I said move to another birth place
Yours truly sincerely oh oh I forget your name.

We weren't built to last this long.

Move it's what they say
Sell them the bones that they love to...
Yeah they love to.

Move it's what they say
Sell them the bones that they love to hear break
I said move to another birth place
Yours truly sincerely oh oh I forget your name.

Move it's what they say
Sell them the bones that they love to hear break
I said move to another birth place
Yours truly sincerely oh oh I forget your name.

Краткое описание

Текст песни Envy on the Coast — Head First In The River рассказывает о циничном отношении к массовому потреблению и манипуляции. Исполнитель описывает себя как объект торговли, чья душа продаётся за деньги, в то время как публика транжирит его эмоции. Он обвиняет общество в жадности и равнодушии к человеческим страданиям, утверждая, что они покупают монстров и не желают видеть мир иначе. Возникает образ бунтаря, который оказывается в оковах системы, но сохраняет свою непоколебимую суть. Стремление к свободе и надежда на лучшее будущее звучат в этих строках, призывая к переменам и освобождению от уз ментального рабства. Риторический вопрос «Что ты знаешь обо мне?» задаётся критике общества, показывая сложность понимания индивидуальности в массовом обществе. Слова песни Envy on the Coast — Head First In The River отражают борьбу за самовыражение и интегритет в мире, где ценности и идеалы искажаются потребительским менталитетом..

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев