Наив — Biker Ballad

Down a tunnel, in a tube
On the road, knocked down and bruised
Some man laid with blood in hair
And beside him was a bear.

But this bear was a man
Red-neck biker from some clan
I was really scared and pissed
But the creature only hissed:

Don't touch it! Don't you touch my bike!
Don't touch it!
Don't touch it! Don't you touch my bike!
It's the only thing I like!

Don't touch it! Don't you touch my bike!
Don't touch it! Don't you touch my bike!
Don't touch it! Don't you touch my bike!
It's the only thing I like!

I said: Sir, what have you done?
Take a look at what's going on
Why kill a man for touching your bike?
After all, it's just a hype

Hype it is! - Was the reply -
Kiss your ass and say goodbuy!
He pulled out his killer gun
I got blue and turned round to run

Don't touch it! Don't you touch my bike!
Don't touch it!
Don't touch it! Don't you touch my bike!
It's the only thing I like!

Don't touch it! Don't you touch my bike!
Don't touch it! Don't you touch my bike!
Don't touch it! Don't you touch my bike!
It's the only thing I like!

But I did not run away
I was smarter in a way
Took the road to the country side
Down to red-flagged farming sites

"Rent a tractor" - the sign read
Want them all! - That's what I said
Paid my bill and went to a pub
Where drunkards had their fun

Hey, you boys, you wanna ride?
Gotta a fag, who pushed you pride!
Got 'em wheels?
Sure I do!
And the biker paid his due...

Don't touch it!
Don't touch it!
Don't touch it! Don't you touch my bike!
It's the only thing I like!

Краткое описание

Текст песни «Наив — Biker Ballad» рассказывает историю о встрече с необычным байкером, который защищает свой мотоцикл со всей страстью. В песне описывается ситуация, когда герой обращается к незнакомому мужчине, чья жестокость и привязанность к его мотоциклу доходят до крайности. Несмотря на угрозы и напряженную обстановку, герой остается спокойным и находит выход из сложной ситуации, предложив байкеру альтернативный способ разрешения конфликта. Это история о том, как встречаются два мира: байкерское сообщество с его правилами и жизненной философией, и обыденный человек, который храбро и умно находит выход из неприятной ситуации. Ответственность, дружба и смелость – ключевые темы, затронутые в словах песни «Наив — Biker Ballad».

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев