Natalia Kills — If I Was God

Would you love me
If you found out I never had
No clothes, cars, money
No clothes, cars, money
Would you still want me
If I told ya I was not a somebody (somebody)
Nothing special (nobody)

Yeah, I've been lying
Fantasizing that I had it all
I wanna give you more
Than just the person that I was

I wish I was strong
I wish I was everything
I'm feeling it inside my head
Don't let me wake up
The truth is my enemy
Just tell me you're still here ...

If I was God, what would I change?
(Love, war, lies, money)
(Love, war, lies, money)
Should we keep on or should we throw me away?
(Love, war, lies, money)
(Love, war, lies, money)

I hate to tell ya
But it's all an illusion from the
Hair, lashes, nails, body
Hair, lashes, nails, body
I'm scared to disappoint ya
All I really got is a
Heartbeat, soul, honest
Heartbeat, soul, honest

It's a secret me
I never showed nobody, no
That everything I wanted
Isn't pathological

I wish it was real
I wish I had everything
I dream of while I'm in bed
Don't let me wake up
The fear of emptiness
Just let me believe it ...

If I was God, what would I change?
(Love, war, lies, money)
(Love, war, lies, money)
Should we keep on or should we throw me away?
(Love, war, lies, money)
(Love, war, lies, money)

I don't really wanna live like nothing's wrong
I don't really wanna give up on our love
I don't really wanna live like nothing's wrong
I don't really wanna give up on our love

If I was God, what would I change?
(Love, war, lies, money)
(Love, war, lies, money)
Should we keep on or should we throw me away?
(Love, war, lies, money)
(Love, war, lies, money)

Краткое описание

Текст песни Natalia Kills — If I Was God говорит о внутренних борьбах главного персонажа. Она задает вопрос, будем ли мы любить ее, если узнаем, что у нее нет материальных благ, только сердце, душа и честность. Она признается, что создала иллюзию совершенства с помощью внешности, но на самом деле ее желания совсем другие. Она желает быть сильной, иметь все, о чем мечтает, но боится оставаться пустой внутри. А фразы «If I was God, what would I change?» и «Should we keep on or should we throw me away?» отражают ее внутренний диалог о том, каким бы она сделала мир, будь она богом, и стоит ли ей продолжать или бросить себя. Эта песня заставляет задуматься о том, что значит быть истинно счастливым и ценить внутренние качества больше, чем внешние блеск и богатство..

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев