Текст песни Песняры — Я поднимаюсь, слова из песни.

From in the middle of the room
She hears the conversation moving
Further from where she's going
Without even knowing
Now the vibrations in the floor
Are getting closer to the door
And is this the way you
Let your problems drift away to?

I climb so high
It blows me away sometimes
See through my holes
Into this place I call my own
This time I'll try
It's in the air tonight
Sleep tonight, no more cryin'
'Cause I've got you on my side

I don't want you to be anything at all
I just want you to say you love me
I don't care, just stop living like this
I don't want to be anything at all
I just want you to see who I am
And stop the violence
No more silence

From in the middle of the room
She hears the conversation moving
Further from where she's going
Without even knowing
Now the vibrations in the floor
Are getting closer to the door
And is this the way you
Let your problems drift away to?

I climb so high
It blows me away sometimes
See through my holes
Into this place I call my own
This time I'll try
It's in the air tonight
Sleep tonight, no more cryin'
'Cause I've got you on my side

I don't want you to be anything at all
I just want you to say you love me
I don't care, just stop living like this
I don't want to be anything at all
I just want you to see who I am
And stop the violence
No more silence

I'm gonna show ya I'm alive
Breathing clearly for the first time
Hold me in your arms
Take me to the place where you are
I needed time to clear my mind
Keeping balanced on this line
Was impossible before I met you
I climb so high
It blows me away sometimes
Sleep tonight, no more cryin'
'Cause I've got you on my side

I don't want you to be anything at all
I just want you to say you love me
I don't care, just stop living like this
I don't want to be anything at all
I just want you to see who I am
And stop the violence
No more silence

I'll shout from the top of the rooftop singing
I'm not afraid of the bed I lay in
Listen to the sound of voices ringing
I can't deny it, no more silence
Shout from the top of the rooftop singing
We're not afraid of the bed we lay in
Listen to the sound of the voices ringing
I can't deny it, no more silence

Краткое описание

Текст песни «Я поднимаюсь» Песняры переносит нас в середину комнаты, где девушка слышит разговор дальше от того места, куда она направляется, даже не зная, куда она идет. Все больше вибраций раздается в полу, по мере того, как они приближаются к двери. Исполнитель пытается подняться на вершину и покорить невероятные высоты, чтобы обрести самореализацию и наконец-то успокоиться, благодаря тому, что он нашел свою любовь и поддержку. Он жаждет искренности и правды, собственной самобытности и берет на себя активную позицию, чтобы привнести в мир несколько капель добра и духовности. С помощью слов песни Песняры — Я поднимаюсь, исполнитель призывает прекратить насилие и молчание, обращаясь к каждому из нас, с готовностью стать катализатором положительных перемен..

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев