пони — Кюти марки

These animals don't listen, no not one little bit
They run around out of control and throw their hissy fits
It's up to me to stop them 'cause plainly you can see
It's got to be my destiny, and it's what my cutie mark is telling me

I try to keep them laughing, put a smile upon their face
But no matter what I try, it seems a bit of a disgrace
I have to entertain them, it's there for all to see
It's got to be my destiny, and it's what my cutie mark is telling me

I don't care much for pickin' fruit and plowin' fields ain't such a hoot
No matter what I try, I cannot fix this busted water chute !
I've got so many chores to do, it's no fun being me
But it has to be my destiny, 'cause it's what my cutie mark is telling me

Lookie here at what I made, I think that it's a dress
I know it doesn't look like much, I'm under some distress
Could y'all give me a hand here and help me fix this mess?
My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me

I'm in love with weather patterns but the others have concerns
For I just gave them frostbite over top of their sunburns
I have to keep on trying for everyone can see

It's got to be
It's got to be
My destiny
My destiny
And it's what my cutie mark
It's what my cutie mark

Yes, it's what my cutie mark is telling me!

Краткое описание

Песня «Пони — Кьюти Марки» рассказывает о внутреннем конфликте героя, который ищет свое призвание. Он сталкивается с различными задачами и обязанностями, но ничто не кажется подходящим для него. Герой пытается угодить другим, но не справляется, что вызывает разочарование. Он понимает, что его истинное предназначение – это то, что говорит ему его «кьюти марк», символ, который у каждой пони на боку и отражает ее уникальные навыки и интересы. Песня подчеркивает важность найти свое истинное предназначение и следовать ему, несмотря на трудности.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев