Текст песни Skindred — Corrupted, слова из песни.

This is your number one station
your official station
bringing you the vibe
where music make you
you can't feel no pain

You had to take it all
You greedy
and you ain't got a soul
it's so easy
takin' from the poor
givin' to the rich
deceivin, you're a pocket-suckin' schemin' bitch

see that plastic smile
turns me off it's vile
lying every way
living for the prey

Whatever to you
Get up, you've gone corrupted
I see that it's true
Get up, you've got corrupted

Taken aback the way you love me
Taken aback the way you were
Someone we could all could trust

Whatever to you
Get up, you've gone corrupted
I see that it's true
Get up, you've got corrupted

No mercy
you're showin'
your harms they
first you're someone I can really trust
then that trust, it starts to rust

I see that plastic smile
turns me off it's vile
lying every way
living for the prey

Whatever to you
Get up, you've got corrupted
I see that it's true
Get up, become corrupted

Taken aback the way you love me
Taken aback the way you were
Someone we could all could trust

Whatever to you
Get up, become corrupted
I see that it's true
Get up, you've got corrupted

shakin hands and kissin babies
talking down, we must survive
our policies we upset now
what a tangled web we weave
yet we practice to deceive

get corrupted
you're corrupted
you're corrupted

You talk
greed greed greed greed
avalicious greed
talking infecting at the center of it
greed greed greed greed
avalicious greed
now you're infected ya we've been corrupted
greed greed greed greed
avalicious greed
talking infecting at the center of it
greed greed greed greed
avalicious greed
now you're infected ya we've been corrupted

Краткое описание

Текст песни Skindred — Corrupted раскрывает глубокую критику коррупции и лицемерия. С первых строк слушателя поглощает атмосфера отчуждения и гнева к тем, кто извлекает выгоду из бедности и обмана. В словах песни Skindred — Corrupted обнажается жёсткая сатира на лицемерие общественных деятелей, которые сначала вызывают доверие, а затем предают его. Пластиковые улыбки и лживые обещания становятся символами морального упадка, который разрушает доверие и искажает реальность. Песня также затрагивает темы жадности и коррупции, на что указывают строчки о «грязной жадности» и «заражении». В целом, слова песни Skindred — Corrupted представляют собой мощное осуждение социального и политического разложения, акцентируя внимание на том, как личные интересы и амбиции могут превратить добрых людей в жертв корысти и обмана.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев