Skye Sweetnam — Girl Most Likely To

You see the kid who just tagged along
Too young to know what was going on
Wouldn't give me the time of day
Well, little sister grew up and hey, don't you see
I think I need for you to take me seriously

'Cause I seriously got a lot of
Things to say, don't you see
How it could be

I could be the girl most likely to
Blow you away with what I can do
Maybe I'm a superstar
Maybe I got all the cards in my hands
I could be the girl most likely to
Make every dream I'm dreamin' come true
What you see is what you get
I haven't even happen yet
Haven't even happen yet...

Who knows, someday I could be front page news
Everybody wishin' they were in my shoes
I bet you'd never guessed
All the times I took the backseat instead
Tellin' all the world what was in my head

And I definitely got a lot of
Things to do, don't you know
How it could go

I could be the girl most likely to
Blow you away with what I can do
Maybe I'm a superstar
Maybe I got all the cards in my hands
I could be the girl most likely to
Make every dream I'm dreamin' come true
What you see is what you get
I haven't even happen yet
Haven't even happen yet... Oh, Oh...
It can go either way
Oh, Oh...
I could be the one to say
I told you so...Yeah!

I could be the girl most likely to
Blow you away with what I can do
Maybe I'm a superstar
Maybe I got all the cards in my hands
I could be the girl most likely to
Make every dream I'm dreamin' come true
What you see is what you get
I haven't even happen yet
Haven't even happen yet...

I could be the girl most likely to
Blow you away with what I can do...yeah!

Краткое описание

Текст песни Skye Sweetnam — Girl Most Likely To рассказывает о девушке, которая всегда была недооцененной, но теперь стремится к успеху и признанию. Она рассказывает о том, как росла в тени своей сестры, но теперь готова показать миру свой потенциал. Девушка уверена в своих способностях и готова добиться всего, о чем мечтает. Она мечтает стать звездой, исполнить все свои мечты и удивить всех своими достижениями. В тексте также звучит идея о том, что все еще впереди, и что у нее есть все шансы стать тем, кем она хочет быть. Песня вдохновляет на самореализацию, смелость и веру в себя..

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев