Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows — The Goat

There is an old goat at my window-pane,
standing upright in a frock-coat,
somewhat earth-coloured and plain.
He is starring down at me ...
and the place where i have chosen to hide ...
in the futile attempt to dissolve ...
I discovered this cell as a child.

There is a medicine-case, he calls 'being',
which the goat carries under his arm.
He says, if i only allow him to enter -
I shall never come come to any harm.
He is giving quite an importance to
his frrightning and urgent concern, he says:
'I have come to be your transformer...
I'm your doctor, half goat and half man.'

He says that this house will soon crumble,
and that I am going to suffer as it falls.
He says: 'Let me in now and I'll be your savior...
I'm your healer ... whith hooves and horns!'

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев