Текст песни Taco — Puttin’ on The Ritz. (1982, by Irving Berlin 1929), слова из песни.
If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
why don't you go where fashion sits,
Puttin' on the ritz.
Different types who wear a day coat, pants with stripes
and cutaway coat, perfect fits,
Puttin' on the ritz.
Dressed up like a million dollar trouper
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper (super duper)
Come let's mix where Rockefellers walk with sticks
or "umberellas" in their mitts,
Puttin' on the ritz.
Have you seen the well-to-do up and down Park Avenue
On that famous thoroughfare with their noses in the air
High hats and Arrow collars white spats and lots of dollars
Spending every dime for a wonderful time
If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
why don't you go where fashion sits,
Puttin' on the ritz.
why don't you go where fashion sits,
Puttin' on the ritz.
Different types who wear a day coat, pants with stripes
and cutaway coat, perfect fits,
Puttin' on the ritz.
Dressed up like a million dollar trouper
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper (super duper)
Come let's mix where Rockefellers walk with sticks
or "umberellas" in their mitts,
Puttin' on the ritz.
Have you seen the well-to-do up and down Park Avenue
On that famous thoroughfare with their noses in the air
High hats and Arrow collars white spats and lots of dollars
Spending every dime for a wonderful time
If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
why don't you go where fashion sits,
Puttin' on the ritz.
Краткое описание
Текст песни Taco — Puttin’ on The Ritz (1982, by Irving Berlin 1929) описывает образ жизни людей, которые стремятся выглядеть стильно и элегантно в общественных местах. Песня описывает различные типы одежды, которую люди выбирают, чтобы произвести впечатление на окружающих. Слова песни также описывают богатых и успешных людей, которые тратят много денег на роскошную жизнь и наряды, чтобы иметь замечательное время. В целом, песня представляет собой призыв к тому, чтобы вести себя как «знатные люди» и обращать внимание на свой внешний вид..
Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев