The Manhattan Transfer — Joy Spring

We sing a spring
(Sing joy spring)
A rare and most mysterious spring
(This most occult thing)
Is buried deep in the soul
(It's story never has been told)

The joy spring, the fountain of pleasure
Is deep inside you whether you're diggin' it or not
Once you're aware of this spring
You'll know that it's the greatest
Treasure you've got
And furthermore
The joy spring, the bounteous treasure
Cannot be bartered away and never
Can be sold
Nothing can take it from you
It's yours and yours alone to have
And to hold
And something more:
It never is lost to fire or theft
It's always around
When trouble is gone the pleasure
Is left I've always found
It's burglar-proof same as the treasure
Man lays up in heaven worth a
Price no one can measure
that says a lot
So joy spring this fountain of pleasure
That's deep inside you let me inform
You in all truth *(to Coda second time)
Ponce de Leon sought this
When he was searchin' for the fountain of youth

Ol' Ponce de Leon laughed so much he
Never did find the magic fountain
But many people with a well-adjusted
Spirit they could hear it when y'told
'em it was there tellin' them was
Like tellin' it on the mountain

It's quite a life havin' the gift of
laughter I'm a man who knows in a
minute I can tell y'just exactly how the story goes
It involves a firm conviction in another
previous life givin' your mind a chance to fly
Fly aroun' the universe investigatin' other
galaxies n' certain other subtle
types o'life tryin' t'dig it gettin'
pretty well-acquainted with a lot of
other strife an' pretty much acquirin'
yourself plenty of education
pretty soon here comes earth birth
'n then y'ready t'put it all t'work
but soon as you're finished bein' born
you start forgettin' what you knew
'Cause you're another kinda you - a
reincarnation manifestation
of spirit in sensation

Y'really got that right
The average person isn't bright
not so bright that they recall the fatal fall
down here t' this earth
their minds disguise their death to spirit
life and call it birth
that's their reason for forgetting and they
find it very upsetting when reminded
tell 'em they've lived before
They'll show y' the nearest open door
Gotta have feelin' while dealin' with
walkers in their sleep
they can't imagine somethin' as deep

Here they come - here they come - there they are
Unimaginative and ignorant of falling from a star
Here they come - there they are - there they go
Life is over in a minute an' they never dug
it in it or enjoy a minute of it
'cause they put too much above it
that was gross
somethin' that was worth a couple bucks
at mos'

So there is the reason that the maker of man
included there in his plan
A certain fountain deep within'
where there was laughter, youth 'n gold
for human beings t'have 'n hold
'n share the memory of where we've all been

Brothers called Grimm knew chances were slim'
Anybody would dig that the human soul
was Snow White
and the Seven Dwarfs were seven tempers
in man
whose digging out the gold completes
the plan
An Bacon was hip that Shakespeare
couldn't read
and so he gave him all the rhymes
that have lasted through the years
and kept eternal truths alive through
several centuries
That's how we know them now
they lasted 'cause they're true

What was it from "MacBeth?"
"Life's but a walking shadow
a player poor
that struts and frets upon the stage
and's seen no more
A tale that truly has an idiotic ring
That's full of lotsa sound and fury
signifying nothi

Краткое описание

Текст песни The Manhattan Transfer — Joy Spring представляет собой описание радости и удовольствия, заложенных внутри каждого человека. Песня говорит о том, что этот источник радости находится глубоко в душе каждого, даже если мы не всегда осознаем его присутствие. Он недоступен для продажи или обмена и сохраняется у нас навсегда, как сокровище, которое не может быть украдено или утрачено. Авторы показывают важность радости и жизненного оптимизма, который присущ каждому, невзирая на испытания и трудности.

Одной из ключевых фраз текста является «Joy Spring, the fountain of pleasure». Артисты объясняют, что радость и удовлетворение проистекают из глубин нашего бытия, и когда мы это осознаем, это становится нашим самым ценным достоянием. Также в песне упоминается легенда о поисках фонтана молодости, символизирующая стремление к бессмертию и вечной радости.

Авторы поют о важности смеха, об исследовании других реальностей и окружающих нас явлений. Песня также поднимает тему перерождения и зачастую недооцениваемой связи с предыдущими жизнями. Они показывают, что люди приучены забывать прошлое и свою истинную суть, но выражают надежду на возможность сохранить память о своих корнях и опыте.

В целом, слова песни The Manhattan Transfer — Joy Spring наполнены философскими размышлениями, призывают к нахождению радости и смысла в каждом моменте жизни, а также напоминают о важности пробуждения сознания и сохранении внутреннего сокровища, которое может изменить взгляды и жизненный путь каждого человека.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев